Strength In Numbers
For those of you who do not know me, my name is Reginald Mitchell. Over the years, through my professional and personal network, I have enjoyed organizing and bringing people together for the purpose of business or personal development and achievement. I enjoy helping others shine and achieve their goals.
This, is in my blood!
I credit my passion, bridging people and resources together, to my upbringing and my environment as a child. You see, I am a product of the sixties. The sixties, in various parts of the country, was a time when people and communities worked together, reinvested their resources: spending and consuming within their own communities. There was a strong belief in helping each other out when necessary: not a hand out but more of a hand UP mentality!
However today, times have changed: communities are less supportive, breakdown in institutions and families and lack of strong leadership. Current events have left us with no choice but to go back to basics and unite once again.
I have been brainstorming at ways to regain the strong community ties we once felt, ways for us to unite and pull our resources together. Big box businesses - one that is owned by, finance by and will benefit the local community – can help us achieve that. An Examples would be: a co-op, that employs local people and that will yield a lucrative return on investment. Other thoughts are grocery stores or charter schools. We can use the profits from these ‘big box’ businesses to finance other micro level entrepreneurial ideas from community members.
Let’s brainstorm together (there is a unbreakable strength in numbers). What are your thoughts? What type of projects/businesses you would start and that the community will be able to benefit from?
I appreciate and welcome all of your opinions. Looking forward to reading them!
-Reginald Mitchell