Sunday, April 23, 2017


I met this young boy (boy #1) yesterday shining shoes. He had drive, determination and the true spirit of a hustler. I watched him work his craft and afterwords I asked him, why are you not out playing ball... His response was that, he had to help his mother feed the family. (PAUSE) That is not the point of this story. Boy #2 who now is to the right of the customer. For 30 minutes, he (boy #2) had been begging for money unsuccessfully. However, over his shoulder he had been watching (NOW INTENSELY WATCHING) boy #1 getting $50 pesos per customer. The point of me sharing this story, is that you never know who is watching you and what type of inspiration you may be to them. Lead by example. My thoughts are that, next week I will donate money out of my pocket to this young boy (boy #1) to teach boy #2 this skill of shining shoes. Moreover, to set boy #2 up for success with his own equipment and products to do the job. #EachOneTeachOne If you would like to help, cool. if not, cool. #OneManMission